Dr. Peter Ekman


(ALMI is a business incentive organisation co-owned by the Swedish state and local governments)
Assessment of the treatment method Energy Cell Treatment – Susanne Johansson

I am a research biologist and have previously been active as an entrepreneur in the field of biotechnology. Since 1999 I have been employed by ALMI Foretagspartner Stockholm AB. My main duties concern financing and business development of innovation based projects, and I have, for a period of time, acted as business area manager. My current responsibilities deal mainly with certain types of loan financing, distribution of risk capital and client coaching. During my years at ALMI I have forged close ties with several thousand clients, many ofwhom are active within the field of life sciences.

Susanne Johansson is one of ALMI Stockholm’s innovation clients and I have followed her work over approximately 7 years. I have been very favourably impressed by Susanne as a person. I am, furthermore, convinced that her work will be of great importance to how illnesses that obviously are related to the body’s nervous system and immunodefence are viewed and treated.

A relatively comprehensive research project will probably be needed before we fully understand the mechanisms that underlie the current treatment results. The results that Susanne has presented to me are, however, very interesting. A number of patients ofmy acquaintance have been treated by Susanne. Their accounts have further strengthened my conviction that the treatment is of great interest. I am a result-orientated individual. I am of the opinion that if something is effective it should be applied. As a researcher in the·natural sciences, I am obviously also interested in eventually elucidating the underlying mechanisms. How quickly that process will proceed is, of course, a matter of resources.

Susanne was previously almost totally preoccupied with the treatment of patients. Today she devotes part of her time to the building of structure capital and establishing co-operative relationships with serious actors in order to allow patients access to the current treatment method by enabling more therapists to learn how to use the method.

I can warmly recommend interested parties to thoroughly study the present treatment method and its results, and to initiate collaboration with Susanne Johansson.

Stockholm, 20th March 2006
Dr. Peter Ekman
ALMI Foretagspartner Stockholm AB
Box 6198
10233 Stockholm